Following the Centre’s recommendation, a BRT corridor and a significant urban transformation is being pursued in the main Avenue of Santiago, Chile

Santiago in Chile launched an international public competition for an urban design of its main corridor involving a BRT according to the BRT-ALC Center of Excellence’s recommendations. The BRTCoE Director, Juan Carlos Muñoz, will be part of the panel of judges that will decide which design will be implemented in the Alameda and Providencia corridor. Luis Eduardo Bresciani, researcher from the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Urban Development (CEDEUS), heads the project where many members of the BRTCoE also participate.  The aim of this competition is to tender the study and development of the “Nueva Alameda Providencia” project, delegating its administration to the Regional Government of Santiago.

juanca jurado

“For decades we have considered our streets just as space destined for traffic. The avenues that were once natural areas for mobility, in all its forms, and the main place for social, commercial and political exchange, became dominated by the requirements of transport as its key design principle “. With these words, Luis Eduardo Bresciani presented the Public International Competition for Urban Design “Nueva Alameda Providencia” as its Director.

Under the Master Plan for Public Transport Infrastructure 2011-2015, the Board of Metropolitan Public Transport – composed by the Ministers of Transportation and Telecommunications, Public Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development, and the Regional Governor – has decided to organize an international tender for the urban design project for this axle. Composed by the avenues Alameda Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins, Providencia and Nueva Providencia, this is one of Santiago’s main corridors of Santiago. It is also the “heart of the metropolis” and Chile’s most representative public space. In its 12 kilometers, it integrates civic, symbolic and economic functions represented by the highest concentration of activities of the Metropolitan Region.

The competition is divided into two stages in order to ensure a common vision and the selection of the best proposals. The first, which closes on June 26th, is the Preselection of Conceptual Master Plans, and the second term, closing the September 8th, is the presentation of Technical Offers for preselected Proposals.


A panel of 15 judges representing government, regional and local officials, and specialists in urban design and transportation will evaluate proposals. Among them, BRTCoE member Prof. Chris Zegras, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Juan Carlos Muñoz will participate as the Director of our Centre of Excellence, Director of the PUC Department of Transport Engineering and Logistics, deputy director of CEDEUS, main researcher of the Access and Mobility cluster, and member of the Board of Santiago’s Metro.
For further details of the competition: